Hans-Peter Keller on how to price an artwork

A big-name name artist isn’t enough for a work to be priced in the millions. Hans-Peter Keller ought to know. He spent 19 years at Christie’s and specializes in Swiss art. He also successfully established the Swiss Art Sale, which was the annual auction of Swiss art taking place in Zurich. One of his highlights was the 2012 charity auction of the estate of Bruno Giacometti, the younger brother of the renowned Swiss artist Alberto Giacometti.

Last month, Keller just published Ernst Ludwig Kircher: Gestaltete Wände und Räume, his dissertation on the German expressionist Ernst Ludwig Kirchner.

In this episode of «Swizz Art Biz» Hans-Peter Keller tells Tanya König what is needed to make it as an art expert and how exactly to price an artwork. 

Bruno Giacometti, Alberto’s younger brother, being surprised with a chocolate cake on his 103rd birthday by Hans-Peter Keller.

Bruno Giacometti, Alberto’s younger brother, being surprised with a chocolate cake on his 103rd birthday by Hans-Peter Keller.


The man behind «Andy meets Warhol»


Andrea Hinteregger de Mayo