Andrea Hinteregger de Mayo


Andrea Hintereggger De Mayo first started working in the financial sector before she transitioned it to the art world. She was a co-owner of a Zurich gallery and is now the director for Latin America at Mai 36 Galerie. Andrea tells Tanya König what she thinks about closing her gallery after 5 years, and how young gallerists should go about their spaces, and why she thinks the pandemic and the push to go online was a missed opportunity to charge for digital content. Andrea is also a guest lecturer at the University of Zurich and author of the 2020 book "Nuances of Latin American Art—Matices del arte en América Latina."

Images in the video above include:
Ernesto Neto, GaiaMotherTree im Hauptbahnhof Zürich, 2018, Fondation Beyeler, © Ernesto Neto, Photos: Mark Niedermann


Hans-Peter Keller on how to price an artwork


Dirk Boll of Christie’s